New version of GoT: Total War. New House Bolton faction, new pictures in alot of places, new recruitmentsystem based on regional area of recruitment - you can only recruit riverland troops in the Riverlands etc, new units and textures for most factions,video add-on implemented in the mod, new strat-models for almost all old factions not counting the Lannisters and the Starks, as they sadly were bugged, many different rebels implemented and mercs -they now use new models. All vanilla models gone!
Game of Thrones Submod for Westeros Total War, v. 4.5
1. New playable House Bolton faction - led by Lord
Roose Bolton of the Dreadfort, and complete with a new GoT-look-alike
roster. The units do look like in the TV-show!2. New textures for many shields as well as improvement of many units in the game - new model parts etc!
3. New unit pictures, background pictures, portraits and other stuff implemented - video addon also added! And the unit portraits not added will be added in a patch shortly, i just wanted this released before the voting close.
Everything is finished but for a few minor things.
4. All rebels and mercs in the game have been replaced by new unit models - no more vanilla units in the game. I Have also created over 20 different rebel groups, both based on regions and capitals.
The capital rebels are elites, and the other regional rebels are commoners of their specific regions.
5. A few new units for some of the old factions - especially House Tyrell, and House Martell.
6. All working strat-models added- but the Lannister and Stark ones didn't work - so they borrow from others, no more vanilla strat-models in the game.
7. Mercs recruitable from guilds - factions can now create guilds where they can get unique Southern mercenaries.
8. New recruitment-system based on regions - you can now only train and recruit the troops of a specific region in that region. Westerland troops in the Westerlands, and Riverland troops in the Riverlands etc. As for the elite-units, you can only ever train your own house elites -but you can train them in all capital cities that you hold.
9. Many bugs and errors fixed - the russian text is now gone from events and the like.
10. Added alot of minor things also.
The WTW (Westeros Total War)- mod team for the base-mod:~ HannibalExMachina
~ Dr. Noob
~ Toho
~ cedric37
~ Edric Storm
~ Cobi Wan Kenobi
~ Dux
~ Inarus
~ Kiliç Alì
~ LordInquisitor
~ Mhaedros
~ SoulGamesInc
~ Stannis-the-Mannis
~ GatorMarine1833
~ Makanyane
~ Valar Morghulis
~ Hross
~ Iron Orchid
~ John Scigulinsky
~ Emperor of Hell
~ Murfmurf
~ Radboud
~ Paleo
~ Tyler
~ MasterBigAb
~ MemduhG
~ HeirofAlexander
-and the GoT team (Game of Thrones V3.0) for the base submod:~ Inarus - Images, basic graphics, music and Image Research.
~ Radboud - Faction Symbols, UIs, and All Epic Graphics. ~
~ AndariusHaliusScipio - Awesome Audio Clippings ~
With Particular thanks to...
~ Emperor of Hell and Mhaedros ~
- For sharing their Wisdom in the art of modelling, texturing and much much more than can be listed,
Looking for...~ Unit Modellers! ~
Game of Thrones V 4.0:~ VltimaRatio (unit modeller, new models/unit cards for strat-map and battle map, new custom battle maps)
~ Mr_Nygren (text editing, script stuff- (Replacing old models with new ones in the text-files, implementing new horses and siege artillery)
~ Western Unit Overhaul Source Files (mod resource) by GeMiNi][SaNDy were used as a base for new units.
~ Siege engines are borrowed with permission from the De Bello Mundi-mod, creator Rhaymo.
~ Marka Medium and Heavy Horses- by the Ruschi-team.
Game of Thrones V 4.5:
VltimaRatio (unit modeller, all improvements on the models already in the game, creation of all the models, implementation of the models into the game and custom battles/campaign, some work in the EDB, descr_strat and the EDU regarding these new units.)
Mr_Nygren (modder, everything else new basically. Got a little help from a third guy with some descriptions and four of the pictures- the rest i did remake into transparant pictures. The work of adding region-specific rebels, capital-specific-rebels, mercs into the EDB, all new pictures besides those four i mentioned, new backgrounds, new portraits, the recruitment-system which took alot of time to set-up and fixes of various bugs, silver-surfers and errors.
Preview video of a battle - House Stannis VS House Bolton: