Sopa konflikter och problem under mattan. skylla på individen -undkomma ansvar!

Sopa konflikter och problem under mattan. skylla på individen- undkomma ansvar!

"Diagnoser är ett påfund som man uppfunnit för att kunna skylla problem och konflikter som sker ute i samhället på enstaka individer! Det är samhällets sätt att skjuta ifrån sig ansvaret på individer.

Istället för att samhället ska ta tag i mobbning och annan diskriminering så säger man att "det där var inte mobbning - det där var hans störning/diagnos!!!"

Sen finns det säkert scizofreni osv.. Men diagnoser som autism/asperger/autistiska drag eller ADHD ges ut alldeles för lättvindigt och godtyckligt idag.. Ofta för att stryka över problem och sopa samhällets ansvar under mattan."

måndag 27 juli 2015

Länsstyrelsen bryr sig inte om djur! Det enda de vill är att förstöra för den som äger/tar hand om djuret!

Jag hade en jämthund som jag lät vara hemma själv någon timma längre än djurskyddslagen medger.. Förvaltaren anmälde mig efter att sol-teamet slagit larm/tjallat - Länsstyrelsen gav mig djurförbud, tog av mig valpen och påstod att den lidit. Något den verkligen inte gjort.

Andra jag umgicks med gjorde likadant och har fortfarande kvar sina hundar. Just för att tjallare fattades dem i deras hemmiljö.

Hade förstått om man tjallar på när ett djur blir misshandlat eller vanskött! Men detta att agera så hårt mot ngn för att denne lämnar djuret ensam hemma lite längre än djurskyddslagen medger är ju bara överdrivet! Särskilt när folk utan sol-team och förvaltare kommer undan med samma beteende varje dag!

Och Länsstyrelsen var djävligt snabba på att agera. Inte var det djuret man tänkte på, utan man tänkte på att underlätta för de som ville ha bort djuret i mitt fall. Ingen hemlighet att förvaltare och andra var emot att jag ägde en hund. Att man sedan får generellt djurförbud berodde ju på diagnoserna igen! Och på att man hade stöd och hjälp i hemmet..

Har man stöd och hjälp i hemmet till följd av "autistiska drag/asperger/marginell mental retardation" som jag ansågs lida av då så klarar man ju inte av att ha ett djur? Men de som misshandlar och plågar sina djur i månader får varningar och andra chanser!

Artikeln ovan bevisar att Länsstyrelsen inte bryr sig om djuret..

Här har vi en ung godhjärtad tjej/kvinna som förbarmar sig över en rådjursunge och tar hand om den - annars skulle den dö då dennes mamma blivit påkörd eller skjuten.

Den hade aldrig klarat sig själv. Någon illvillig och avundsjuk djävel anmäler till Länsstyrelsen eller djurskyddet. Länsstyrelsen tar ifrån kvinnan/tjejen rådjuret (vilket är rätt enligt svensk lag då vi i Sverige inte får äga vilda djur) men beslutar sig för att det ska avlivas istället för att placeras på Zoo eller dylikt.. Hade de då djurets bästa i tankarna?

Att avliva ett djur som alternativ till att en människa tar hand om det? Då hade djuret föredragit att vara kvar hos kvinnan! Tror inte att rådjursungen hade en dödsönskan!

Om lagen förbjuder ägande av rådjur så bör ju rådjursungen placeras på Zoo eller släppas ut i det vilda. Att avliva djuret var ett sämre och mindre bra sätt att visa att man på Länsstyrelsen bryr sig om föräldralösa djur. De visade att de hellre dödar djur än låter en människa förbarma sig över det - och det visar klart och tydligt att de inte vill djurens bästa, däremot så vill de djävlas med oss individer.

lördag 11 juli 2015

Scarlet Avatar .png-file for Qhimm Forums (Final Fantasy Forums)!

tisdag 7 juli 2015

In the morning i have replaced evil Scarlet with Aerith to secure that there won't be two Scarlets in the game!

Pictures of Aerith as Scarlet:

 Scarlet as a villain replaced by Aerith :).

Remaining to be done:

Scarlet's battle model needs to be completed in a perfected state.

söndag 5 juli 2015

Aerith Gainsborough to Scarlet of The Shinra - FIELD MODEL process! (Click on the pictures for bigger pictures).

Aerith Gainsborough original Battle model. I wanted to change Aerith into Scarlet of the Shinra, and this is what Scarlet's original field model looked like that i wanted to recreate for Aerith:

Scarlet original Model for her unplayable character in the game, i wanted to make Aerith look like this. Unfortunately Aerith didnt have the same bone-structure so it was impossible to get it exactly like this using Kimera. I had to do the best i could without as many bones to the skeleton (green lines).

Scarlet original Model for her unplayable character in the game, i wanted to make Aerith look like this. Unfortunately Aerith didnt have the same bone-structure so it was impossible to get it exactly like this using Kimera. I had to do the best i could without as many bones to the skeleton (green lines).

Scarlet original Model for her unplayable character in the game, i wanted to make Aerith look like this. Unfortunately Aerith didnt have the same bone-structure so it was impossible to get it exactly like this using Kimera. I had to do the best i could without as many bones to the skeleton (green lines).

Scarlet original Model for her unplayable character in the game, i wanted to make Aerith look like this. Unfortunately Aerith didnt have the same bone-structure so it was impossible to get it exactly like this using Kimera. I had to do the best i could without as many bones to the skeleton (green lines).

My project of replacing Aerith with Scarlet in the field:
Aerith converted into Scarlet of the Shinra first version (never released but made 2007, using Kimera 83).

Aerith converted into Scarlet of the Shinra first version (never released but made 2007, using Kimera 83).

Aerith converted into Scarlet of the Shinra first version (never released but made 2007, using Kimera 83).

Aerith converted into Scarlet of the Shinra first version (never released but made 2007, using Kimera 83).

Aerith converted into Scarlet of the Shinra first version (never released but made 2007, using Kimera 83).

Aerith converted into Scarlet of the Shinra second version (made 2015 the bygone week, had the wrong placements of bodyparts and didn't work as intended because of the bodyparts not following the skeleton, the green lines, i had to rework it).

Aerith converted into Scarlet of the Shinra second version (made 2015 the bygone week, had the wrong placements of bodyparts and didn't work as intended because of the bodyparts not following the skeleton, the green lines, i had to rework it).

Aerith converted into Scarlet of the Shinra second version (made 2015 the bygone week, had the wrong placements of bodyparts and didn't work as intended because of the bodyparts not following the skeleton, the green lines, i had to rework it).

Aerith converted into Scarlet of the Shinra second version (made 2015 the bygone week, had the wrong placements of bodyparts and didn't work as intended because of the bodyparts not following the skeleton, the green lines, i had to rework it).

Aerith converted into Scarlet of the Shinra third version (made 2015 the bygone week, had the wrong placements of bodyparts and didn't work as intended because of the bodyparts not following the skeleton, the green lines, i had to rework it. Also, the ass had strings attached to it in the wrong way and that made the model look ugly when in it's correct stance.. I had to remake that bodypart!).

Aerith converted into Scarlet of the Shinra third version (made 2015 the bygone week, had the wrong placements of bodyparts and didn't work as intended because of the bodyparts not following the skeleton, the green lines, i had to rework it. Also, the ass had strings attached to it in the wrong way and that made the model look ugly when in it's correct stance.. I had to remake that bodypart!).

Aerith converted into Scarlet of the Shinra third version (made 2015 the bygone week, had the wrong placements of bodyparts and didn't work as intended because of the bodyparts not following the skeleton, the green lines, i had to rework it. Also, the ass had strings attached to it in the wrong way and that made the model look ugly when in it's correct stance.. I had to remake that bodypart!).

Aerith converted into Scarlet of the Shinra third version (made 2015 the bygone week, had the wrong placements of bodyparts and didn't work as intended because of the bodyparts not following the skeleton, the green lines, i had to rework it. Also, the ass had strings attached to it in the wrong way and that made the model look ugly when in it's correct stance.. I had to remake that bodypart!).

Aerith converted into Scarlet of the Shinra third version (made 2015 the bygone week, had the wrong placements of bodyparts and didn't work as intended because of the bodyparts not following the skeleton, the green lines, i had to rework it. Also, the ass had strings attached to it in the wrong way and that made the model look ugly when in it's correct stance.. I had to remake that bodypart!).

Aerith converted into Scarlet of the Shinra third version (made 2015 the bygone week, had the wrong placements of bodyparts and didn't work as intended because of the bodyparts not following the skeleton, the green lines, i had to rework it. Also, the ass had strings attached to it in the wrong way and that made the model look ugly when in it's correct stance.. I had to remake that bodypart!).

In the third version of the model she was also too high up from the ground and it did cause graphical errors..

Messed up fourth version:
Fourth version: I did try to lower the third model to the ground before realizing i had to start all over to get it just right.. This version was never tried in game.

Fourth version: I did try to lower the third model to the ground before realizing i had to start all over to get it just right.. This version was never tried in game.

Fourth version: I did try to lower the third model to the ground before realizing i had to start all over to get it just right.. This version was never tried in game.

Fourth version: I did try to lower the third model to the ground before realizing i had to start all over to get it just right.. This version was never tried in game.

Fourth version: I did try to lower the third model to the ground before realizing i had to start all over to get it just right.. This version was never tried in game.

The fifth and final version f Scarlet in the field. I did remake her ass-part to make it look alot better. And this time i did make the model follow the skeleton (green lines). It is complete now, but i am still to finish her other models. Almost done with the battle model, and i am done with dress-Scarlet. After the battle model is finished i need to replace five year old Aerith and ten year old Aerith with Scarlet. And then ultimately create the Scarlet Avatar!

The fifth and final version f Scarlet in the field. I did remake her ass-part to make it look alot better. And this time i did make the model follow the skeleton (green lines). It is complete now, but i am still to finish her other models. Almost done with the battle model, and i am done with dress-Scarlet. After the battle model is finished i need to replace five year old Aerith and ten year old Aerith with Scarlet. And then ultimately create the Scarlet Avatar!

The fifth and final version f Scarlet in the field. I did remake her ass-part to make it look alot better. And this time i did make the model follow the skeleton (green lines). It is complete now, but i am still to finish her other models. Almost done with the battle model, and i am done with dress-Scarlet. After the battle model is finished i need to replace five year old Aerith and ten year old Aerith with Scarlet. And then ultimately create the Scarlet Avatar!

The fifth and final version f Scarlet in the field. I did remake her ass-part to make it look alot better. And this time i did make the model follow the skeleton (green lines). It is complete now, but i am still to finish her other models. Almost done with the battle model, and i am done with dress-Scarlet. After the battle model is finished i need to replace five year old Aerith and ten year old Aerith with Scarlet. And then ultimately create the Scarlet Avatar!

The ffifth and final version f Scarlet in the field. I did remake her ass-part to make it look alot better. And this time i did make the model follow the skeleton (green lines). It is complete now, but i am still to finish her other models. Almost done with the battle model, and i am done with dress-Scarlet. After the battle model is finished i need to replace five year old Aerith and ten year old Aerith with Scarlet. And then ultimately create the Scarlet Avatar!

The ffifth and final version f Scarlet in the field. I did remake her ass-part to make it look alot better. And this time i did make the model follow the skeleton (green lines). It is complete now, but i am still to finish her other models. Almost done with the battle model, and i am done with dress-Scarlet. After the battle model is finished i need to replace five year old Aerith and ten year old Aerith with Scarlet. And then ultimately create the Scarlet Avatar!

The fifth and final version f Scarlet in the field. I did remake her ass-part to make it look alot better. And this time i did make the model follow the skeleton (green lines). It is complete now, but i am still to finish her other models. Almost done with the battle model, and i am done with dress-Scarlet. After the battle model is finished i need to replace five year old Aerith and ten year old Aerith with Scarlet. And then ultimately create the Scarlet Avatar!

The fifth and final version f Scarlet in the field. I did remake her ass-part to make it look alot better. And this time i did make the model follow the skeleton (green lines). It is complete now, but i am still to finish her other models. Almost done with the battle model, and i am done with dress-Scarlet. After the battle model is finished i need to replace five year old Aerith and ten year old Aerith with Scarlet. And then ultimately create the Scarlet Avatar!

The fifth and final version f Scarlet in the field. I did remake her ass-part to make it look alot better. And this time i did make the model follow the skeleton (green lines). It is complete now, but i am still to finish her other models. Almost done with the battle model, and i am done with dress-Scarlet. After the battle model is finished i need to replace five year old Aerith and ten year old Aerith with Scarlet. And then ultimately create the Scarlet Avatar!

The fifth and final version f Scarlet in the field. I did remake her ass-part to make it look alot better. And this time i did make the model follow the skeleton (green lines). It is complete now, but i am still to finish her other models. Almost done with the battle model, and i am done with dress-Scarlet. After the battle model is finished i need to replace five year old Aerith and ten year old Aerith with Scarlet. And then ultimately create the Scarlet Avatar!

The fifth and final version f Scarlet in the field. I did remake her ass-part to make it look alot better. And this time i did make the model follow the skeleton (green lines). It is complete now, but i am still to finish her other models. Almost done with the battle model, and i am done with dress-Scarlet. After the battle model is finished i need to replace five year old Aerith and ten year old Aerith with Scarlet. And then ultimately create the Scarlet Avatar!

Aerith DRESS (at Don Corneo's Mansion) replaced with Scarlet:

Second and final version:
Scarlet at Don Corneo's Mansion, replacing Aerith.

Scarlet at Don Corneo's Mansion, replacing Aerith.

Scarlet at Don Corneo's Mansion, replacing Aerith.

Scarlet at Don Corneo's Mansion, replacing Aerith.

Scarlet at Don Corneo's Mansion, replacing Aerith.

Scarlet at Don Corneo's Mansion, replacing Aerith.

Scarlet at Don Corneo's Mansion, replacing Aerith.

Scarlet at Don Corneo's Mansion, replacing Aerith.

Scarlet at Don Corneo's Mansion, replacing Aerith.

Scarlet at Don Corneo's Mansion, replacing Aerith.

What's done:

1. Aerith Normal Field model coverted into Scarlet normal Field model.

2. Aerith Dress at Don Corneo's Mansion converted into Scarlet in Dress at Don Corneo's mansion.

What's almost done:

1. Aerith battle model replaced with Scarlet as a Battle model, i was done but decided i wanted the new ass for the battle-model as well.

What's left to do after that:

1. Converting Aerith five and ten years old into Scarlet five and ten years old.

2. Coverting Aerith with flowers into Scarlet with Flowers.

3. Making an avatar for Scarlet, as you don't want her to have Aerith's picture.

Good day!!