Sopa konflikter och problem under mattan. skylla på individen -undkomma ansvar!

Sopa konflikter och problem under mattan. skylla på individen- undkomma ansvar!

"Diagnoser är ett påfund som man uppfunnit för att kunna skylla problem och konflikter som sker ute i samhället på enstaka individer! Det är samhällets sätt att skjuta ifrån sig ansvaret på individer.

Istället för att samhället ska ta tag i mobbning och annan diskriminering så säger man att "det där var inte mobbning - det där var hans störning/diagnos!!!"

Sen finns det säkert scizofreni osv.. Men diagnoser som autism/asperger/autistiska drag eller ADHD ges ut alldeles för lättvindigt och godtyckligt idag.. Ofta för att stryka över problem och sopa samhällets ansvar under mattan."

fredag 1 december 2017

Hjälp gärna till att rösta på följande MODS skapta/sammansatta av mig, eller där jag medverkat på något vis -man kan rösta på alla!

Nummer ett:

Game of Thrones: Total War: Enhanced, för Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms.

Hjälp gärna till att rösta på Game of Thrones: Total War: Enhanced: Version 4.9, som jag arbetat på tillsamamns med TWC-användaren VltimaRatio - arbetade med detta i december-januari 16-17 samt från maj 2017 till slutet av augusti 2017. - Över 18k nerladdningar!

- Kan möjligen bli en sista version, men enheterna blev stulna av Parafix så det är inte säkert.

Nummer två:

Mr_Nygren's Marvel VS DC-Universe MUGEN V 2.0 (2017), för Mugen Game Engine!

Hjälp gärna till att rösta på Mr_Nygren's Marvel VS DC-Universe MUGEN V 2.0, fortfarande mer populär än vad jag trodde var möjligt - med näst flest nerladdningar efter mod nummer ett på listan (9k nerladdningar).

Nummer tre:

The Last Kingdom: Wrath of the Norsemen Expansion, för Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms.

Hjälp gärna till att rösta på The Last Kingdom: Wrath of the Norsemen Expansion, som är nummer tre på detta års lista - med sina över 7k nerladdningar. 

Jag arbetade med denna submod helt ensam, och byggde såklart vidare på den äldre moden från år 2013.

Nummer fyra:

Game of Thrones: Total War: Winds of Winter Sub-Submod, för Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms.

Hjälp gärna till att rösta på Game of Thrones: Total War: Enhanced: Winds of Winter Sub-Submod, jag implementerade alla de nya enheterna. Denna mod har en stabil nerladdningsnivå av 2900+.

Nummer fem:

Warcraft: Total War: Official DEMO Version, för Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms.

Hjälp gärna till att rösta på Warcraft: Total War: Official DEMO Version, jag och ett team har arbetat mkt med denna version från och med den 29 mars 2017 till och med början av juni år 2017 - självklart har arbetet fortsatt men jag räknar bara arbetet på den släppta demo-versionen här - en ny version kommer ju snart! 

- 1800+ nerladdningar, plus att alphan som släpptes en månad tidigare än detta DEMO - har ytterligare 700+ nerladdningar.

PS: Nästa version blir den första officiella beta-versionen, och den kommer nog ha möjligheten att gå om Game of Thrones - men tyvärr lär den inte bli klar i tid för detta års omröstningar som slutar den tionde december, och betan lär vara klar i slutet av månaden.

Nummer sex:

Wrath of the Norsemen: The Baltic: Release V 3.1, för Medieval II: Total war: Kingdoms.

Hjälp gärna till att rösta på Wrath of the Norsemen: The Baltic: Release V 3.1, jag gjorde allt arbete på uppdateringen - 1600+ nerladdningar.

Nummer sju:

Final Fantasy VII: Rufus Mod 1.0, för Final Fantasy VII PC.

Hjälp gärna till att rösta på min Final Fantasy VII: Rufus Mod 1.0, del av min Scarlet mod - en av dem har 133 nerladdningar och den andra 23. 

- De kan användas tillsammans i samma mod, och detta är bara två karaktärer i en planerad större mod som ersätter samtliga spelbara karaktärer.

söndag 19 november 2017

Game of Thrones: Total War: Version 4.9! - worked on heavily by me and VltimaRatio since 4.0, and uploaded august 17 at MODDB!

Got:TW 4.9 - this is the almost complete version of GoT:TW, now with most of the minor house rosters added, all basic rosters but Dorne fully implemented, new elites for Boltons & Tullies, new mid-tiers for Tyrells & extras for Freys, unit portraits fixed for most units, removed unused factions from custom battles, new caps/gens for WIP factions, Warhammer animations and more - the only thing missing would be three more minor house rosters, portraits and balance/recruitment, plus a bigger map.

EDIT 2017-03/09: Update with quote-fix fixing the CTD:s after most battles, UI-image fix fixing CTD:s for Lannisters when they recruit units using these pictures with too large sizes (has been changed) and EDB recruitment done!
EDIT as of 28/08-2017 - New MAC-compatible GoT:TW Enhanced version 4.9 uploaded!

- made Mac-compatible by TomSrx!

- An installer has been made for both the CD and Steam versions of the mod!

- Installer by Gigantus!
- More info down below.
Before starting the mod for the first time:
ALWAYS remove the rvm-file inside of GoT_Enhanced/data/world/maps/base - Otherwise the mod will CTD when trying to enter the campaign no matter what you do.
When done with the above, and if you want to play the campaign, start a new campaign or load a campaign:
Always start a quickbattle/custom battle and exit - then after you have done this (each time when you start the mod) the campaign will start up just fine.

With some factions you don't need to do this always - but there is a bug and the best way to avoid it is by starting and exiting a quickbattle first.
Also, never use "Auto Manage Everything" because that will cause the game to CTD alot for certain factions.

Game of Thrones Submod for Westeros Total War, v. 4.9 (For windows).

Game of Thrones: Total War Enhanced V. 4.9!

Game of Thrones Submod for Westeros Total War, v. 4.9 (For MAC).

Game of Thrones: Total War V 4.9 for MAC users!

For CD-users:
Install by extracting the mod like this "Medieval II Total War\mods\GoT_Enhanced" - and start by doubleclicking the .bat-file.
Also, remove the RVM-file inside of Got_Enhanced/data/world/maps/base before starting the mod - and play a custom battle before trying to enter the campaign the first time you play as otherwise it will crash when trying to enter the campaign.
For Steam-users do the usual installation.
Third alternative (for both Steam and CD-versions):

Download this installer by Gigantus:

Follow these instructions:

The complete install procedure for disk AND steam:
  1. Download the mod from ModDB
  2. Unzip the downloaded RAR file (WinRar is the best option and is also freeWare, 7-zip could work).
  3. Move the unpacked GoT_Enhanced folder into the Medieval 2 Total War\mods folder
  4. Download and run the Games of Thrones Starter
  5. Start the game with the desktop short cut

Make sure the installer points to the Medieval 2 Total War directory. If you install into the wrong directory you will get this message, run the installer again:

What it does:
  • Installs a Steam compatible BAT file
  • Installs an upgraded CFG file
  • Installs a new, properly formatted Icon
  • Provides a desktop short cut
Regarding the music submod:
"This is what you need to do to get the awesome music to work:
1. Buy or download the albums of season 1 to 3.
2. The mod is already compatible with the music- you just have to get the music yourself and follow the instructions under this text - because i couldn't upload the full albums. And this mod is compatible with the full songs of the first three albums.
3. The game-files are already in their places - just download the music mod for 3.0 in order to get the two songs in that folder, don't touch the textfiles and place the songs in the music folder inside of data/sounds/music.
- Create this folder if it doesn't exist.
4. Place each song of albums 1, 2 & 3 in the music-folder inside of your sounds folder- which is inside the data-folder of your mod.
5. Remove the "Main Theme"-songs of season 2 and 3, as it is the same as the first song of season 1.
6. Rename all songs to numbers from number 1 to nr 67. Don't touch the two songs from the music mod that followed with the download.
7. To be secure- delete the event.dat and event.idx-files inside of your sounds-folder together with the music.dat and music.idx-files.
Now you'll have a fully working music submod.".

1. Adds all the finished remade basic troops of old factions - minus Dorne because Vltima forgot to send me the new Dornish units. I only ever got the Martells, which are new mid-tiers for House Martell - i never got the basic units previewed in pictures.
- All are fully implemented now!
Some pictures:
New basic Riverland troops with armour upgrades:

New basic Westerland basic troops with armour upgrades:

New basic Southern Knights:

New generic Dismounted "chose a region" Swordsmen and Knights- will have different shield-textures based on region:

2Full basic rosters for these minor Houses:

Tully = Bracken, Mallister, Blackwood plus an almost finished Mooton basic roster.
House Bracken:

House Mallister:

House Blackwood:

Stannis/Tyrell = Florent.
House Florent:

Lannister/Joffrey = Marbrand, Crakehall and Lefford - these aren't entirely complete like the ones for House Tully though. - Swyft were rebranded into Lefford and got a new symbol on their shield texture.
House Marbrand:

House Crakehall:

House Lefford (they have new shields compared to the picture):

It also does add a few individual units such as Mountain Axe Clansmen for House Stark, new sellsword swordsmen, or Cuy Infantry for House Tyrell - basically everything previewed in MODDB is included.
Mountain Axe Clansmen:

Sellsword Swordsmen:

Cuy Infantry:

3. New Frey units, new textures for the Frey units, new remade mid-tier House Tyrell troops, new elite House Bolton troops plus new armour upgrades for these factions. - Also includes a slightly remade and improved group of Tully elite units.
Heavy Bolton Swordsmen:

New Tyrell Swordsmen upg0 and Spearmen:

It also adds new textures for the basic Northern units used by House manderly:

4. Adds the full basic House Penrose (another minor house) units for House Renly.
5. Added House Frey as it's own faction to the campaign, and with full recruitment.
6. Adds the House Frey Faction Description, Walder Frey faction Leader portrait etc.
7. Removes unfinished factions from custom battles, and i mean vanilla ones who sometimes spawned in quickbattles with mercs.
8. Fixes the portraits that were missing in the mercs-directory, which caused "unlocalized placement"-pictures to show for Riverland units and others recruited by some fations.
9. Re-made the regional system a little to have less armies with everyone in them - making more units unique for the proper factions.
10. Adds a huge amount of Warhammer animations if one would want wolfs, dragons, beasts, undead or mammuths etc.
11. Adds a Warhammer online Dragon model for House Targaryen (three Dragons).
12. Adds a Daenarys Stormborn hero-model.
13. All custom units and unit upgrades have gotten new LOD-values in the BMDB - the issue with sprites showing in close distances has been solved.
14. New era system in custom battles - Era 0 is the factions own units plus the regional basic units, Era 1 is those units mentioned above plus all the vasall houses/minor houses who has sworn the main House loyalty - For Starks this would be Umbers, Glovers, Mormont, Karstark, Manderly and Bolton etc - Era 2 is all mentioned previously plus the sellswords.
It's an ERA-system:
Era 0 (Early) - Only household troops and regional troops.
Era 1 (mid) - The above plus all the minor Houses (the Dothraki faction always has it's units in all eras, and House Targaryen have access to Dothraki from Era 1).
Era 2 (Late) - The above plus mercs.
5.0 will mostly be missing portraits and additions to the unfinished WIP factions - but i will put that on hold and move on to ADOS instead.
I am also expecting a guy to release balance/recruitment (remade EDU and EDB) soon after my release - and so i will update it with these files. This will hopefully make RTS-battles more stable.

A third guy was working on custom settlements in battle. We'll see if he was just talking or if he was serious. Would take two weeks and i think almost a week have passed by now.
The WTW (Westeros Total War)- mod team for the base-mod:
~ HannibalExMachina
~ Dr. Noob
~ Toho
~ cedric37
~ Edric Storm
~ Cobi Wan Kenobi
~ Dux
~ Inarus
~ Kiliç Alì
~ LordInquisitor
~ Mhaedros
~ SoulGamesInc
~ Stannis-the-Mannis
~ GatorMarine1833
~ Makanyane
~ Valar Morghulis
~ Hross
~ Iron Orchid
~ John Scigulinsky
~ Emperor of Hell
~ Murfmurf
~ Radboud
~ Paleo
~ Tyler
~ MasterBigAb
~ MemduhG
~ HeirofAlexander
-and the GoT team (Game of Thrones V3.0) for the base submod:
~ Inarus - Images, basic graphics, music and Image Research.
~ Radboud - Faction Symbols, UIs, and All Epic Graphics. ~
~ AndariusHaliusScipio - Awesome Audio Clippings ~
With Particular thanks to...
~ Emperor of Hell and Mhaedros ~
- For sharing their Wisdom in the art of modelling, texturing and much much more than can be listed,
Looking for...
~ Unit Modellers! ~

Game of Thrones V 4.0:
~ VltimaRatio (unit modeller, new models/unit cards for strat-map and battle map, new custom battle maps)
~ Mr_Nygren (text editing, script stuff- (Replacing old models with new ones in the text-files, implementing new horses and siege artillery)
~ Western Unit Overhaul Source Files (mod resource) by GeMiNi][SaNDy were used as a base for new units.
~ Siege engines are borrowed with permission from the De Bello Mundi-mod, creator Rhaymo.
~ Marka Medium and Heavy Horses- by the Ruschi-team.
Game of Thrones V 4.5:
VltimaRatio (unit modeller, all improvements on the models already in the game, creation of all the models, implementation of the models into the game and custom battles/campaign, some work in the EDB, descr_strat and the EDU regarding these new units.)

Mr_Nygren (modder, everything else new basically. New transparant pictures. The work of adding region-specific rebels, capital-specific-rebels, mercs into the EDB, all new pictures not counting the ones Kenzo36 did, new backgrounds, new portraits, the recruitment-system which took alot of time to set-up and fixes of various bugs, silver-surfers and errors.)
Kenzo36 (all the longer unit descriptions in the currently released version (like six maybe), for the "CAV"-texts on a few pictures being cavalry and not infantry, for the Frey non-transparant hero-portraits and for the new unit-info pictures being in the released version for a few units -like the Lannister Swordsmen unit-info pic.)
Game of Thrones V 4.6:
VltimaRatio (unit modeller, all improvements on the models already in the game).
Mr_Nygren (modder, everything else new basically. Plus the implementation of everything.
Game of Thrones V 4.7:
VltimaRatio (unit modeller, all improvements on the models already in the game. Creation of every model, and it's an impressive and amazing number just in this 4.7 version - if we count the ones who aren't included, then he has done a tremendous effort this summer - basic units re-done for all, new elites, new minor houses, symbols, portraits for new units, textures, weapons, models).
Mr_Nygren (modder, everything else new basically. I have worked on the mod both in dec/jan (changes seen in 4.6) and may until now. Implemented all the units to my version of the mod, created some Targaryen symbols in custom battles, made weapon variations out of the raw-files VltimaRatio provided me with in january - creating more Targaryen and Dragon-units than just the spearmen, implemented units to the descr_strat, to the descr_rebels_factions, hidden resources to descr_regions and the units to the edb - basically made the units available in the campaign, fixed the CTD-bug that always crashed the mod at a certain turn plus done additional smaller stuff).
Jurcek1987 - Helped me with fixing a glitch making the Targaryen Spearmen hold their weapons wrongly - also added the Banner Carriers to the Bolton model - using the ones from the Western Overhaul as a base - the textures where then moved from the old carriers to the new ones that worked fine with the Bolton models.
Game of Thrones V 4.9:
VltimaRatio (unit modeller, all improvements on the models already in the game. Creation of every model but two, - basic units re-done for all, new elites, new minor houses, symbols, portraits for new units, textures, weapons and models).
Mr_Nygren (modder, everything else basically. Implemented all the units to my version of the mod, beaten the CTD-crash that was plaguing this mod, fixed the LOD-levels, added all the Warhammer animations, fixed the missing portraits if they existed, removed unused factions from custom battles, added House Frey to the campaign etc - basically everything but the creation of the models.).
The Return Of Reckoning team (runs Warhammer Onlines current build) - for the Warhammer dragons.
WhiffOfGrapeshot (mod-team-member of Warhammer:BotET) stated this:

"The Return Of Reckoning team runs the current Warhammer Online build, which was released for use. There should be no problems using assets taken from Warhammer Online."
Auc162 - for letting me use the body of Daenarys - created by his friend.
Video of a battle between House Tully and the House of Joffrey in 4.9:

Warcraft: Total War: Official DEMO version - worked on heavily by me and others, and uploaded sep 1 even though this version is from early june!

Warcraft: Total War: Official Demo MOD for Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms.

Warcraft: Total War: Official DEMO!

The official DEMO for Warcraft: Total War, dated back to late may/early june - it has all the models created or edited by Eoghan Wolfkin in use.
As the models for the Trolls, Elves, Dwarves and Ogres among others have been replaced already, i felt the need to release a version with these assets as they otherwise would go to waste. Also, the demo released previously was what we started out with in march - this DEMO is alot more polished and more worthy as an official demo of the mod.
Even though the campaign still isn't playable - but it's available for people to try out, has been turned into a WC3 setting, has all the starting generals & family members, have starting armies but no recruitment and many bugs are not solved - play campaign at your own risk. As for custom battles it has the complete human factions as of yet, the Dark Horde, the Horde, the complete Scourge roster, the old Quel'Thalas/Sin'Dorei and old Trolls.
- Most have or will be replaced, -the exception being the better looking units of the Humans, Scourge and Orcs of the Horde!

I took the time to polish the version from June 02 so that it became this DEMO-version, i fixed a few things with portraits and menu - and then i removed the Naga-faction because it's not something we would want to include in the demo. Also, it only had six units in the june 02-version.
Credits for the demo:

Eoghan Wolfkin - creation of all the new models but the new humans, which he finished but didn't create from scratch.
- New humans by Royal Jester (Bantu) (made a knight and Footman) - Eoghan turned those two models into the whole Theramore, Stormwind and Lordaeron rosters.

- Re-textures by WarcraftHero and Sulfurion - made re-textures of Eoghans Trolls, Horde and Elves, as well as retextures of Eoghans/Bantu's Humans - creating the rosters for the Scarlet Crusade, Kingdom of Stromgarde, the Dark Horde and the Fel Orcs of the Burning Legion, the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, the Sin'Dorei and the Troll factions of the Amani, Gurubashi and Farraki tribes.

- Scourge roster by Eoghan Wolfkin.

- Map and map-changes by TheHappyCrusader.

- Removal of all the vanilla units, implementation of all the new units (since the beta from april 22), writing of all the new unit descriptions, writing of all the new faction descriptions, adding of faction description portraits, adding of heroes to custom battle and the campaign, fixing of all the missing portraits issues, adding of all the starting armies, implementation of all the Myth Total War animations and new Sundering animations and more - Mr_Nygren.

- Writing of all the Quotes in the loading screens, creation of all the new family member portraits (some old ones by Eoghan), adding of all the new ten religions, adding of all the new family members and generals in the campaign, changing the campaign into a WC3 setting from the WC1-setting it was before, creation of all the new faction symbols and banners and more - Sulfurion.

- The fix of the Custom Locations.txt, fixing the custom battle issues with water battlefields - WarcraftHero.

- The new Siege Engines in use by all the factions - Undying Nephalim and Hyrule Total War for the Scourge and Troll ones, and Warhammer BotET/Call of Warhammer/The Sundering for the Warhammer ones in use by the Dwarves and Humans.
- A special thank you to the teams of Warhammer BotET for their permission to use assets from their mod - such as the siege engines mentioned before, unit models as basemodels for some of Eoghans models, stratmodels for the Dwarves, Orcs, Iron Dwarves and High Elves - plus certain animations.

Hyrule Total War and Undying Nephalim, for his permission to use HTW assets - such as the aforementioned siege engines and strat-models in use by the Scourge.

Intro-video/background video put together and implemented by Mr_Nygren, using parts of official WC3 cutscenes by Blizzard.
Myth Total war - for the permission to use all it's animations which are all included, but only like one is in use by the Zombies.
Elder Scrolls: Total War - for the base-model used when Eoghan created the Undead Soldiers-units of the Scourge.
"The "Warcraft" logo, the characters, races, places, names, story and background are Blizzard property, the mod is in no way tied with the company, this mod is only a free fan-made project with no profit involved.
The "Warcraft: Total War: Official DEMO" is not an attempt at a "World of Warcraft: Total War", - it is an attempt for a demo of a Warcraft Three (Third War) Total War."