Sopa konflikter och problem under mattan. skylla på individen -undkomma ansvar!

Sopa konflikter och problem under mattan. skylla på individen- undkomma ansvar!

"Diagnoser är ett påfund som man uppfunnit för att kunna skylla problem och konflikter som sker ute i samhället på enstaka individer! Det är samhällets sätt att skjuta ifrån sig ansvaret på individer.

Istället för att samhället ska ta tag i mobbning och annan diskriminering så säger man att "det där var inte mobbning - det där var hans störning/diagnos!!!"

Sen finns det säkert scizofreni osv.. Men diagnoser som autism/asperger/autistiska drag eller ADHD ges ut alldeles för lättvindigt och godtyckligt idag.. Ofta för att stryka över problem och sopa samhällets ansvar under mattan."

lördag 30 april 2016

Marvel VS DC-Universe MUGEN! (2016, biggest roster ever assembled) (Posted on Facebook and MOD-DB april the 7th).

I have assembled quite a huge roster of DC-universe and Marvel-universe characters, songs and stages. In this version, you will need to win two fights to win a fight. 

New Characters:

Added characters, from the original 252 characters in the game (present in Superheroes 2000 V4.3, the mod of wich i modified before replacing the screenpack with my own- to not irritate that mods creator), to 304 characters in the game, and 413 characters in the char-folder. I have not only added characters, but also replaced some characters with other better versions of these characters- or with completely new ones. The best characters are already in-game, and the lesser characters are not.

New Stages:

Added stages, from the original 92 stages, to 112 stages in this new version.

New music:

Added music, from the original 92 songs, to like 108 songs or something like that.

I take no credit for creating any character, stage or song.

But i have been working with this mod alot.

Last summer i made my own version of the Superheroes2000 V4.1 game. A new version called Superheroes2000 v4.3 was released in february this year. I decided i wanted to update my mod onto the new version instead of the old one. So i spent the evening adding everything to the v 4.3 version.

Here are some videos of the old version from last summer, -everything that you see in these videos and more are in this new version, but with a new screenpack:





SUPERMAN/SUPERGIRL characters & stages Part 1 of 1: 

AVENGERS characters & stages part 1 of 2: 

AVENGERS characters & stages part 2 of 2: 

JUSTICE LEAGUE characters & stages part 1 of 2: 


JUSTICE LEAGUE characters & stages part 2 of 2: 

However, i managed to find a cool screenpack while modifying the game, and started building my own mod using the new screenpack, used in this upload. Unfortunately all characters were placed without any order, and so i had to re-mod everything again to relocate the Marvel and DC-chars on different sides. The DC characters will be up, and the Marvel characters will be down the selection screen. I also spent alot of time finding new characters, stages and music. This is a standalone mod, but with material taken from the net. The characters, stages and songs are free for use and do not violate anothers property. But of course the creator of Superheroes2000 V 4.3 could get annoyed if someone posted a new version of his mod. That's why i replaced his screenpack with my own. That means i have added everything in the game from the beginning and up. All the new stuff wasn't in that mod. It's 52 new characters in-game, 20 new stages and 20 or so new songs. And then i ain't counting everyone that i replaced in the old roster before changing the screenpack.
Video of this new version of my mod (the one you will download): 

Har latat mig i lite mer än en vecka efter att ha suttit väldigt mkt med min FF7-mod. (Postat på Facebook den sjunde april, tycker att det hör hemma på bloggen så jag postar detta här nu).

 Har latat mig i lite mer än en vecka efter att ha suttit väldigt mkt med min FF7-mod.

Men sedan i fredags har jag jobbat på att uppdatera min Superheroes2000 mod, som egentligen var färdig- men inte släppt.. Det hade kommit en ny version av originalet.. Och även om min var bättre så fanns där minst 30 nya karaktärer. Så jag beslutade mig för att överföra allt mitt arbete till den nya versionen i lördags. Har spenderat tid dels till att göra detta, dels till att se säsong två av Daredevil.

Utöver det så hittade jag en helt ny screenpack som jag valde att använda som mall för min mod -då jag var orolig att det kunde reta de ursprungliga skaparna av Superheroes2000 om jag släpper en release som är bättre än deras, men med deras screenpack (screenpack är alltså meny osv).

Tänkte släppa någon av mina två mods inatt, men istället så blev det den nästan färdiga Sailor Moon moden som lades ut. Detta då jag ej hade fixat filmer och bilder av den andra moden.. Desto värre var att alla karaktärer var huller om buller i min version av Superheroes2000. Så jag spenderade natten med att sortera Marvel-karaktärer på en sida, och DC-universe karaktärer på den andra. Moden är klar och kommer nu att framstå som självständig då jag använder en egen screenpack.

Man kan säga så mycket som att antalet spelbara karaktärer i spelet har ökat från 252 till 304. Sedan finns det dessutom 109 karaktärer till i char-mappen som kan bytas ut mot de som finns i spelet- dock skulle inte jag byta ut någon, eftersom att jag redan testat alla och valt bort de sämsta. Det rymdes helt enkelt inte fler i spelet pga begränsade platser.

Utöver nya karaktärer har jag även lagt till massor av banor och ny musik. Tror det är 20 nya banor och ännu fler låtar. Bland annat Batman Returns-musik som är fett najs till de banor som har Batman-tema.

Moden blir nog populär, då jag har länsat nätet på i princip alla DC och Marvel-karaktärer. Alla bra karaktärer.. Så jag tror säkert det finns en stor grupp som kommer tanka den. Väntar just nu på att filmen ska bli klar i Moviemaker.

Min feta Mugen MOD inväntar autorisering nu.

Artikeln har inte blivit autoriserad ännu..

Men här är min färdiga Marvel VS DC-Universe MUGEN MOD.

Fetaste antalet karaktärer hittills från DC och Marvel.

252 karaktärer har blivit 304 inuti själva spelet. Plus att ett flertal av de gamla karaktärerna bytts ut mot bättre, så de flesta dåliga äldre karaktärer finns nu i char-mappen -där det finns 109 ytterligare karaktärer. Totalt 413 i den mappen.

92 låtar har blivit någonstans runt 108 låtar, varav ett flertal är episka låtar från filmer.

92 banor har blivit 112 banor. De flesta nya är Spider-man eller Batman-banor, någon är X-Men.

Artikeln blir inte autoriserad på MODDB av någon dum anledning, vilket minskat ner antalet individer som läst om samt känner till min nya MUGEN-mod.

Länk till moden, och dess artikel på MOD-DB:

My Sailor Moon Mugen project from last summer. (Released on the internet april the first, and posted on FaceB april the 7th.

A project i worked on last summer when i had little else to do.

I decided to release it on Mod-DB on april the 7th. I liked Sailor Moon as a kid, and the music is still great in my opinion. I did this for nostalgia.

I released it in an almost finished state on april the 7th 2016, as i don't want to work on this anymore. I have only added characters, stages and new music to the game.


Added characters, from the original 14 characters, to 44 in-game and 84 in the char-folder.

Added stages, from the original 27, to 38 stages in this new version

Added music, from the original 30, to 51 different songs.

I forgot to mention that many of the characters are very strong in Mugen 1.1. But in this engine (the 2003 beta release) most of them won't do their strongest attacks. The AI doesn't understand how to perform their best attacks. I would say they do better at level three difficulty than on level eight in this engine.

The Sailor Moon project weren't really finished. So i haven't incorporated every stage into the main game. I only released it yesterday because i don't think i will work on it anymore. It was almost finished and you guys can easily add the stages, songs and chars that you want from the respective folders.


Mugen-site with info:

onsdag 20 april 2016

Adoption and foster-care ain't the same thing, as many racists believe it to be!!!

Picture of me taken in august 2015, i am an adopted person.

The following text is a comment on this article:

Adoption and foster-care ain't the same thing, as many racists believe it to be!!!

It may start in the same way more or less, with a child being unwanted by his or hers biological parents, alternatively by the child being adopted or taken into foster care because of the parents death, the parents being broke, the parents being overruled in court as un-capable to be parents and so on.

But regardless of the reason behind the placement in foster-care- or adoption, the two things are completely different matters!

For one, the caretakers in foster-care families are often paid to take care of the child, it's their job and they are doing it for money only -they don't regard the child as their real child and they treat the child differently and discriminately contrary to how they treat their biological children.

In adoption however, the children are often adopted because the adoptive parents can't get biological children of their own. So the children aren't unwanted like in foster-care, they are very much wanted by the adoptive parents! The adoptive parents doesn't get paid to take care of the adoptive children, it's not their JOB, it's their responsibility as they would do their biological kids. The adoptive parents don't discriminate in many cases, and often treats their adoptive child the best way they can- unlike in foster-care where the parents treat the kids in the worst possible way, because they are doing it not as their parents, but as their caretakers for money..

So, it's completely wrong by strangers to adoption and adoptive families to presume that adoptive families have the same relation as the foster-care families. They DON'T, we are treated the same as everyone else- we are not discriminated by our parents!

But of course there is exceptions when a sadistic fuck has been OK:d as an adoptive parent. Then the child can be treatet even worse than they are treated in foster care. But i like to think that most adoptive families are like any other family in the neighborhood. That's how mine was, and most others i am sure.

The problem is that for one, the citizens outside of the family have prejudice and stuff, and two, if there are any conflicts (as could happen in any normal ordinary heterosexual ethnically homogeneous family build) the other people around the adoptive family will think that it's something wrong with the adoptive family -because it is an adoptive family, or that it's something wrong with the adoptive children. Their prejudice destroys families and racism is also a stong factor in this, as the people around the adoptive family are often racist fucks as fast as a conflict may have occured. It's a very fast paced process of blaming the one that's different in some way, and that's the child/teenager or adult with dark skin colour- or the family wich is not an etnically homogeneous family.

Adoptive parents want what's best for their kids in many cases, unlike fosterparents who wants to earn money -and treats the children as animals or wares! It's a big problem that authorities seem to think adoptive parents do the same, they don't.. At least not in most cases.. They actually spoil us too much.. That's my reality at least.

Unfortunately adoptive parents can react in the wrong way when an adoptive child is being bullied or depressed. They are blind to the racism in the society, and think that they may have done something wrong. But they don't wanna accept that as an explanation- so they ask "experts" in society to "investigate" their children for other possible causes to the childrens depressions or problems with bullying.

In fact this is a huge mistake, as the ones investigating are often the biggest racists you can possibly find, in psychiatry and in the social authorities. They will then say to the parents that the children are mentally ill and stuff like that. Doesn't bode very well for the childrens future when they get branded with autism and shit. The surrounding believes the children have had a hard upbringing like the ones in foster-care, and that's true in some cases- but in most cases it's WRONG. The childhood was mostly good, but because of racism and bullying, problems can happen -and the fucking cunts in psychiatry then blames everything on the adoptive children who they think have lived a hard life at the hands of their adoptive parents since childhood, they couldn't be more wrong about that..