Sopa konflikter och problem under mattan. skylla på individen -undkomma ansvar!

Sopa konflikter och problem under mattan. skylla på individen- undkomma ansvar!

"Diagnoser är ett påfund som man uppfunnit för att kunna skylla problem och konflikter som sker ute i samhället på enstaka individer! Det är samhällets sätt att skjuta ifrån sig ansvaret på individer.

Istället för att samhället ska ta tag i mobbning och annan diskriminering så säger man att "det där var inte mobbning - det där var hans störning/diagnos!!!"

Sen finns det säkert scizofreni osv.. Men diagnoser som autism/asperger/autistiska drag eller ADHD ges ut alldeles för lättvindigt och godtyckligt idag.. Ofta för att stryka över problem och sopa samhällets ansvar under mattan."

torsdag 23 augusti 2018

Final Fantasy VII: Shinra MOD: NEW Dyne playable character finished tuesday!

I've finished my new Dyne playable character, swaping Barret Wallace with Dyne and vice versa - all in all 9 models touched! Dyne is Barret's childhood bestfriend, who turned mad after he lost his wife and daughter due thanks to the evil Shinra organisation, not knowing that his daughter Marlene actually survived and were adopted by Barret as his daughter - in the original game he just wants to "destroy everything, including himself" - and he can do this due to his arm which carries a gun just like Barret's.

I always loved his story even before i got into shit myself, and always wanted to play as Dyne - i've replayed the Corel Prison many times both for the story and for the wonderful music playing. In any case, Dyne isn't really a Shinra character - as he hates "The Shinra" - but he is a boss-character with a great story and as such i thought he fit in the mod. Also, he is a better fit storywise than Hojo as he does have a gun-arm just like Barret.

I started with Dyne's battle model (the one based on Barret and not the NPC model) in march of 2016 - but i decided to finish the character during last saturday. I finished three models that evening, but then on sunday instead of finishing the character i were busy on other real-life matters such as being on a dinner with the AfS (Alternative for Sweden) leadership. And as such, i got almost nothing done that day - instead i continued work on the character during the tuesday night and finished the character tuesday morning.

Last updated tuesday the 21 2018.

Dyne Overhaul Mod V 1.0

torsdag 16 augusti 2018

Final Fantasy VII: The Shinra CHARACTER overhaul MOD - updated two weeks ago! For Qhimm.forums!

The original Scarlet of the Shinra models have been updated.

Last updated on aug 2 2018 - includes the other two Scarlet alternate versions as well.


Scarlet MOD V 3.4. (Original Improved Version)

Then i did update the Rufus Shinra models slightly.

Last updated on July 29 2018.

Download link: 

Rufus MOD Version 2.0

I've also added the new character Dark Nation (replacing RED XIII/Nanaki).

Last updated on july 30 2018.


Dark Nation Mod Version 1.0

Then i did add a new alternate version of my Scarlet character being a mix between the original PRB-version and Kaldarasha's Scarlet. 

Evil Aerith is now Kaldarasha's Aerith battle model also in the field.

Last updated on july 31 2018:


Scarlet MOD MIX (Mine & Kaldarashas) 1.0.

Then i did the complete Kaldarasha Scarlet as a playable character as well.

Last updated on july 31 2018:


Kaldarasha's Scarlet NPC Playable Version 1.0!

Then finally i finished the new character of Elena the Turk - replacing Tifa Lockhearth and vice versa in both the field and battle. 12 models changed!

Last updated on aug 2 2018:


Elena the Turk Overhaul MOD V 1.0

Final Fantasy VII PC: Elena the Turk MOD v 1.1: